A few parameters of the requirement for participation this space:
A crystalline reality is by nature built upon the pillars of that which is Real, in fully articulated living of the higher qualities, perspectives and attitudes of Divinity.
By entering this sacred space, you are agreeing to…
- Devoting yourself totally to the CHOICE to live love, praise, gratitude, trust and hope unconditionally and indiscriminately, by proxy for all of life
- CHOOSING pure and true emotions and perspectives befitting of a God Being in the flesh, and eschewing all else
- Moving through the process of swiftly recognising and resolutely disavowing unreal distorted emotions and states of being (for example, victimhood, disempowerment, lack)
- Upholding the standard of a pristine, crystalline, self-sovereign reality of peace, beauty, wholeness and harmlessness for all of life
- Participating with deep honour in the gift of the sacred keys that have been handed to us directly from the hands of the One to facilitate the dissolution of our own illusions
- Knowing that the frequency field held within this space will quickly highlight and reveal distortion, and understanding that your presence here will move you through a fast-track clearing of that which cannot follow you into a higher realm
- You agree to receive assistance with course-correcting should the need arise such that we maintain this space in true uncompromised dedication to its sacred purpose
Our unwavering commitment is to upholding this sacred reality for all of life. Thank you for honouring the necessary guardianship of these space-holding parameters. If this is a commitment you are willing to make, we welcome you with our whole hearts to stand by our side as sentinels of the emerging future within our holy community entrainment field ❤️🔥